Monday, March 12, 2012

9 Months!!

Our Sweet Emma Claire is 9 months old.
I can't believe the baby stage is coming to an end:(
In 3 short months my baby will be ONE!
Notice flower in hair
Always on the MOVE
No flower in hair- she pulls them out
Fingers taste good
Hi Mom
So Silly
Look at me Stand up
Quick picture before she crawls off the chair
Trying to stand
I love to play with the toy box
Mom I do not want my picture taken:)
ARR--Pirate Austin
What's Emma Up to these days?
Weight: 18 lbs 13 oz (62%)
Height: 28.5 inches (82%)
Head: 70%
She wears 6-12 months and 12 month clothes, size 2 or 3 shoes, size 3 diapers
She eats 6oz 4 times a day (7, 11,3,7)
She sleeps 7pm-6:30 am
She takes 2 naps a day-- one 2 hours after getting up and another after lunch
(I try and get Austin and her to sleep at the same time in the afternoon)
She eats 3 square meals a day, we are moving away from baby food.
She loves to feed herself.
She eats crackers, goldfish, cheerios, cereal puffs, yogurt drops, Mandarin oranges, bananas, strawberries, pasta, cheese, nutrigrain bars, applesauce, green beans, carrots, rice, french toast, pancakes, yogurt (baby) and pineapples.
She has a sippy cup with half apple juice and half water with dinner.
She still only has the 2 bottom teeth.
She babbles lots. No real words yet...still waiting on Dada and mama.
She imitates sounds.
She LOVES to clap and is learning to wave.
She loves to jump in her crib.
She loves playing at the train table with Austin.
She LOVES being outside.
She has been a great stroller rider at the zoo.
She loves the swings.
She does not like strangers-
we got called out in church to pick her up because she was not happy
She just needed Mama:)
We have been so blessed watching her and Austin interact-
They are learning to share and play nice.
Miss Emma is a sweet happy busy baby girl.

Playdate at Shipwrecked

Playdate at Shipwrecked in Franklin with Jet and Rebecca
This is an awesome place for indoor play in cold or rainy days.
Emma loved the ball pit
Austin and Jet playing too
Austin going down the slide
My sweet boy:)
Jet had fun playing with Emma
Austin the cashier:)
My angel
Hi Mom
Happy Baby

Storms, Elmo and Papa

Preparing for the storms
We had bad storms roll through a couple of weeks ago.
We barely had any rain.
But we did spend about 30 minutes in the closet.
Our sweet neighbor Sarah and Gabby were over too.
3 kids, 2 mommies, 1 I-pad, 1 I-phone and 1 other phone to entertain the troops.

While dinner was cooking the kids enjoyed the beautiful sunshine.
Austin in Sam's Blue truck
Emma in her cute Pink Car
After dinner entertainment
Elmo on the drums, Austin on the drums, Sam on the guitar and Emma on the tambourine

Thanks for the yummy potato soup and great company

Emma and Papa
Love this:)
We enjoyed a relaxing day at Nana and Papa's.
Ate yummy BBQ and strawberry shortcake.

Zoo Day with Kara

We enjoyed a beautiful day at the Zoo with our neighbors Kristi and Kara (2 1/2)
We bought a membership so we can enjoy many more day like today.
Austin Likes the animals:)
A little breakfast to get the day started
Emma watching the monkeys too:)
It is hard to get 2 two years to smile and look at the same time
Take 2
Acting like monkeys
Checking our the flamingos
So sweet
They loved the pet zoo
Hi goat!
Goat so sweet- Austin
Austin loved brushing the goats
My friend
Everyone can brush the sweet goat
Austin was chasing the goat
Goat got cornered
Sweet Kara
Sweet Emma