Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Emma is 2 Months

Happy 2 Months Sweet Pea

Hi Everyone

Love the hat:)

Another accessory mom??

Why I am sitting here?

Watching her silly brother


Happy Girl

Sweet Tushy

Soaking in the "tub" after 2 month shots

Poor baby girl

What is Emma up to these days?

weight: 9lbs 4.5 oz (gained 3 lbs 3oz in 6 weeks)

length: 20.25 (1 1/4 increase in 6 weeks)

Size 1 diapers

0-3 month clothes

Eats every 2 hours during the day 3oz about 9 times a day

She eats once at night about 2:30am

Sleeps 9:30pm-6:30 am (up once) swaddled

She eats, plays and sleeps

She cat naps after each feeding-- I try and swaddle her for an afternoon nap in her crib

She is busy cooing and smiling

She is starting to like her swing more

She loves the carseat and the stroller

She likes her papsan seat on the kitchen table

She loves watching her big brother

She is a laid back girl like her brother

We are SO BLESSED to have her in our family

Austin is 20 Months

Wow in 4 short months we will have a 2 year old

Austin loves the camera

He loves playing in Emma's crib
Helping give Emma a bath

He put his shirt on his head and said "Hat" we laughed and he kept saying it

He LOVES to make Mommy and Daddy laugh

Our little Ham

What is Austin up to these days?

He weighs 29.5 lbs and is about 36 inches tall

He is wearing 18-24 months pants and 2T shirts

He wear size 7 shoe and size 5 diaper

He sleeps from 8pm to 7 am and takes a 2 hour nap after lunch

He is talking up a storm and beginning to put words together

He loves to play outside and swing and play in the pool

His best friends are Abby, Jet, Kara and Sam

He is crazy about his baby sister- he gives her her binky, helps burp her and helps feed her

He loves ice in a bowl

He is a great eater

He Loves lawn mowers, airplanes and bugs and anything with wheels

He Loves to help Mama cook (he also has a play kitchen upstairs that he loves)

He LOVES Big Bird and Elmo and Wonder Pets

He is showing signs of Potty Training Readiness- he loves to say toot and poop

He is the SWEETEST baby boy- I just love him

He is Truly a JOY to be around

Birthday planning is about to begin:)

Eight Weeks

Our sweet baby girl is 8 weeks old

Tummy time
rolling over tummy to back

I like my back way more:)

Playing on my tummy time mat

Austin loved this when he was a baby

Hanging out in her crib

Hi Mom