Thursday, September 23, 2010

Random Pictures

Here are pictures from Labor Day weekend- I just now got a chance to upload them. Enjoy
Beautiful Blue Eyes
Chillin with the sippy cup
Best buddy Sam
We meet J and D at the park for a picnic
J and Sam enjoying lunch
Austin enjoying his picnic lunch- it was awesome weather
Sam having fun on the swings
Mamas and their boys
He loves the swings
First time on the slide- help from daddy
So Fun
All Done!!
Daddy's Boy
Go Frogs!!So excited the Frogs won the game!
Mommy teaching him Riff Ram
Happy Grandparents Day
Cheesing it up for Papa MikeSo funny!

His new car- he can ride or push

9 month blog

austin's 9 month blog is posted- but is before the texas trip blogs. Go check it out. It is listed on Sept 14. love Laura

Faithful Strokes

For my mom's birthday we went to Faithful Strokes- here in Murfreesboro.
It was a fun girls night out.
We painted Christmas elves- it was NOT paint by number- we had a blank canvas

Here is mom's finished product
This is my masterpiece
Here is Lisa's work of Art
We will go back again:)

My Boys

Austin's first ride on the lawn mower

Where's Austin?

Do not judge me:)
I know this is not the cleanliest place for my child to be
BUT it is a classic picture, I could not miss.

I now keep the door on Shiner's kennel locked
Austin thought it was the perfect size for him.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Home Sweet Home

We had a GREAT trip- but we were all ready for our own beds!
Austin was so EXCITED to see his stuffed animals and ALL of his toys!
Keeping Elmo close by.
Nap time in his own bed.

Day 5 in Texas

Austin's first adventure of the day was to climb up ALL of the stairs- and he did it!!
Daddy supervising
Such a BIG BOY!
At the TOP!!
Sweet Sydney
Austin LOVED the Ball Pit
Sweet Westley

Austin's New Girlfriend- Westley
Here, chew on my fingers
He talked to her and held her hand-It was so sweet
Abby and I are HOPING this lasts- we would LOVE for them to get married:)

Lunch Date with Sydney
He is keeping his opitions openShe is so FUNNY!
One of my BEST Friends- Meghan Blinn
12 years of friendship
Swing at Aunt Abby's
So High!
Miss Kaylee (almost 4)

And she's off!

Me, Abby and Kaylee
Ryan (abby's husband) and the girls

One of my BEST FRIENDS!! Abby Mitchell
15 years of friendship
long day=tried mommies, but our sweet babies are worth every minute of it.
Thanks to Abby for letting us stay with her for 2 nights.
It was SO much fun.
Her girls are 6 weeks younger the Austin.

Day 4 in Texas

Jerry Jones' House
WOW has Arlington changed
The stadium is AWESOME
Aunt Meghan and Austin
Carrie Clark Vines and Me

Fun lunch at Pappasistos with Jen, Felipe and their kids (Gabe and Lily), Carrie minus the twins and Meghan Blinn

Playing at Aunt Abby's
Sydney, Austin and Westley

Austin and his girlfriends
Austin trying to roll over them
Austin is 6 weeks older (they were born 8 1/2 weeks early)