Friday, July 29, 2011

7 weeks and a Silly boy

Austin trying out Emma's Carseat
Daddy and his babies

My joy!

Happy 7 Weeks

Playing with her tongue

Her and the baby are about the same size

Hi Mom

This is an "Austin" face

Playing with the tongue

Watching her mobile

And dancing

Tummy time mat!

Look at all those lights!

Hanging in the crib

Hi sweet girl


Austin and Abby- swinging after dinner
They both love the swings

Jet and Austin up to no good:)

They love each other

Sharing the chair so sweet

Not wanting to smile for the camera okay maybe I will smile

They are laughing and being silly

It is hard to believe the will be 2 in a few short months

6 weeks and I Pad junkie

6 Weeks old
She is awake and smiling and cooing

Such a big boy- this is how I found him

He is a addicted to the I-Pad

He knows how to work it better then me:)


Austin showing daddy how to work the I-Pad


For Chris' Birthday I wanted to give him a picture of his babies for his office.

So I had both kids with the letters D-A-D

It was a little challening with an active toddler:)

But he LOVED them

Emma with the 'D'

6 weeks old
Austin and Emma with the 'A'

Austin with the 'D'

Happy Birthday to the worldest BEST husband and daddy

We LOVE you

Nana and Papa's

Sleeping Beauty- on her tummy (Nana did it)
My handsome boy

He love playing in the water fountain

So much FUN!

How does this work?

Magic Nana and her princess

Trying to get a family picture is hard with a toddler and Papa-haha

Wrapped around his finger:)

Papa imitating Emma's face and Austin Laughing at silly Papa

Take 25

Thanks for a fun day- we love you

Thursday, July 28, 2011

4th of July

Happy 4th of July

We went to the Nolensville Firework show


Our little firecracker- 4 weeks old
Miss Emma Claire

Our All American Boy

Trying to get a sibling picture:)

Our Kids

Austin is ready to go play

Austin and Austin

Austin Michael

Our wonderful set-up thanks to Keith and his Dad

Aunt Zan and Emma

All of the kiddos

They had so much FUN!



Austin watching the big boys!

Austin playing with the big girls


Mama and her babies

Austin watching fireworks- he LOVED them!