Friday, April 30, 2010

Jet and Austin Now and Then

I am so blessed that my best friend Rebecca gave birth to her son (Jet) 19 days before I had Austin. We are so excited to raised our boys together. They are already best friends. Here are a few pics from the first 5 months.
Hi Buddy!!
What are you playing with? Isn't that my toy?? Okay I will share.
Austin 4 months and 3 weeks
Jet 5 months 1 week
Austin Holding Jet's hand
Austin 4 months Jet 4 months 3 weeks
Play date 1-19-10
Jet 2 months, Austin 6 weeks

First playdate 1-13-10
The boys cried and the moms talked about the joys of motherhood. Jet and Austin meeting for the first time.
Jet 20 days old Austin 2 days old
I can wait to see them grow into life long buddies. They have gone from not knowing each other exist to holding hands and sharing toys in 5 short months. They are going to keep Rebecca and I on our toes. I am so thankful that God brought me and Rebecca to Tennessee (we both moved from Texas in 2005).

Aunt Barb and Aunt Megs Come to Visit

Aunt Barb and Aunt Meghan came to Nashville to run the Country Music 1/2 Marathon. We were so excited to introduce them to their god son. We are so proud of them for running 13.1 miles....WOW!! Fortunately the weather held off until they finished running, then the downpour came. It was a RAINY Saturday. But that did not stop us from celebrating at Blackstone Brewery--we had lunch and a couple of well deserved beers.

Aunt Babs and Austin

We grilled out fajitas on Sunday.
The girls: Megs, Lisa, Me, Barb and Rebecca--These are my favorite GIRLS
Aunt Megs and Austin
Aunt Babs and Austin
Austin and his fairy Godmothers
My besties and baby Austin

My and the joy of my life:)

We ended the trip with Jim and Nick's Bar-b-que and Julia's for dessert:)
I am so BLESSED to have these wonderful girls in my life
Meghan and I have been friends for 10Years and
Barb and I have been friends for 13 years.
Thanks girls for some many fun memories- many more to come- loveyabye;)

Daddy Feeds Austin for the First Time


Cute Sitting Baby in the Mirror

He could look at that cute baby in the mirror for hours. He is well on his way to sitting up all by himself.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Dr. Henschel gave us the green light for cereal. After lots of talking we decided to give it a try.
Austin was excited about his bib:)
Ready for Breakfast
First Bite
What is this??
I will have some more...
What a cutie!
What a big boy!
He was playing with it
He did great with the spoon, not sure he actually swallowed any cereal though
It was a successful and fun experience
The bib tasted GREAT!!
More pictures to come as we continue to try cereal over the next few weeks.

Random Pictures


Emelia Mae gets practice for her new baby sister or brother
She is going to be such a GREAT big sister:)
Thanks Kimberly for the awesome Jon Jon
Austin and Jet- Austin grabbed Jet's hand- they are BEST BUDDIES-
They finally realize each other exist;)
Hi Buddy!
They are going to keep Rebecca and I on our toes!!
Playing while Mommy sews.

4 Months and Growing

The Latest Stats:
Weight- 13 lbs 8.5oz (3lbs 3oz gain in 2 months)
Height- 25.25 (grew 2.25 inches in 2 months)
Long and Lean:)

What Austin is up to these days:
He LOVES bath time- I think he would stay in there all day if we let him-
I hope this means he will be a waterbug.
He also tends to poop in the bath- I guess it is relaxing- You know how stressful his life is;)
He is wearing size 3-6 month clothes and size 1 diapers (the 2's are just a little too big)
He LOVES riding in the stroller- he takes his evening nap while Chris and I walk each night
He LOVES his Bumbo- he helps me cook and fold laundry- he is our centerpiece at dinner
The Easter Bunny brought him a jumperoo- he LOVES the piano
He LOVES listening to Mama sing-and many of you know I can not carry a tune:)
He LOVES to look at pictures in books
He sleeps from 8pm to 6:30am (getting up once to eat)
He LOVES to be swaddled at night
He is still Exclusively Breast Fed- usually eating 4 to 5 oz about 7 times a day
He still as BLUE EYES!
He LOVES his feet- he can even suck on his toes:)
Everything goes into his mouth!!
Mommy and Daddy LOVE seeing him smile- it makes each of our days-
He has a sweet little laugh
This is such a fun stage- his personality is really coming out.