Thursday, January 19, 2012

Look at Our BIG BOY

Bye Bye Crib

Austin is in his new toddler bed and loving every minute of it.

He is doing so good, (way better then i thought, I just knew he would be playing toys in the middle of the night:)

Eating ice cream- Great Grand Bill and Great Gaggy would be proud

Austin is 25 months

He is talking up a storm.

He keeps me laughing each day.

He is such a BIG help with Emma.

He lights up the room with his smile.

Some of he's phrases are: no way, yep, Austin sip it, everything is no play trucks and if he has a boo boo he says go to Doctor to fix it.

We trick him into eating his dinner by saying we are going to give it to Emma,

that seems to work for now:)

He is very polite Please and Thank yous

My heart melts when he says love ya mama or love ya daddy

He does not like Emma to touch his things- we are working on sharing

BUT he LOVES playing with her toys

He is wearing 3t shirts and 2t or 2t pants size 8 shoe and size 5 diapers

We have put potty training on hold for now- he was doing GREAT and then 2 hit and he is NOT into it at all, (Dr.H said closer to 3 is be much easier)

He has his share of tantrums but they are quick

He HATES to get his haircut

I love this little boy to the moon and back.

Happy 7 months!

Miss Emma Claire is 7 MONTHS! WOW

We love you!
Hi Baby Girl!

So Happy!

Melts my heart



I LOVE my feet!


Oh look I can take this off

Chewing on the cord- look at those cute thighs

What is Emma up to these days?

Weight 17 lbs 13 oz

Length:? not sure but long

She wears size 6-9 months clothes, size 1 or 2 shoes (small feet), size 3 diapers

She eats 3 meals a day

She has 6oz of formula at 7am, 11am, 3pm and 7pm

She sleeps 7:30 to 6:30am

She takes 2 naps one 2 hours after she gets up for about 1 1/2 hours and one after lunch for about 1 1/2 hours

She loves all fruits but does not like green veggies, unless they are well hidden

She mastered the sippy cup right off the bat. She drinks 1/2 juice 1/2 water at dinner.

She has been on the move for awhile now but she just figured out how to sit up for crawling.

She LOVES her brother, he makes her laugh and smile.

She loves to jump in the jumperoo or exerasaucer.

She is LOVING her walker the first keys to freedom.

She loves to make noises with her mouth.

She has 2 bottom teeth, the came in on Dec. 21st

Her favorite toys are Sophie, her new kitchen, and any on Austin's cars or trucks.

She also loves phones, cords, paper and remotes.

She is a blessing. We are amazed by her each day. I love watching her and Austin bond.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Merry Christmas from The Jenkins'

Merry Christmas Santa came:)

Brownies and Milk for Santa- looks like he eat some
Emma's Goodies

Austin's Goodies

Good Morning Sunshine

Did Santa come?

Looking around the corner

Wow- he has so excited and overwhelmed

Getting out the tricycle for a test drive

He looked his Elmo Walkie Talkies

Trying out his remote control car

Riding like a BIG BOY!

So fun!

Emma is up and ready to roll

HI Dad!

Emma's new kitchen and Austin checking out his stocking

The aftermath

Nana, Papa, Aunt Lisa, Emma and Me

Austin showing Papa how to work Nana's new IPad

Chris and Lisa- loving the Paula Dean French Toast Casserole

Magic Nana

Austin giving Nana a lesson on the IPad

Our Sweet Emma Claire in the middle of all the action

This was one of my FAVORITE Christmases

Lisa got us a Wii

and Mom and Dad got Lisa Just Dance 3

Watching my Dad and husband dance was hilarious.

We laughed and danced all morning.

It was quite the workout!

Dad got a better score then Lisa:)

White boy can dance:)

Check out my husband's moves

Emma watching us all act crazy

My sweet boy- playing in Emma's house

Austin Dancing!

Emma's new activity center- Thanks Nana and Papa

This is one tired little boy- meltdown= nap time:)

Christmas 2011 was awesome.

The day was filled with family, food, and laughter.

I LOVE watching Christmas magic through the eyes of my kids

My wonderful parents and Jake arrived at 7:00am to be there for Santa-

what an honor to have them here

Miss Lisa came and spent Christmas Eve night with us-

We enjoyed a glass of wine and the Christmas Story

We are so blessed!

Merry Christmas Eve

Austin and Emma watching Kiper on the Iphone

This is Precious

She LOVES her BIG brother

Zack is so good with Emma

Katie is Great with Emma too

Emma Loved KK

Miss Emma loves pulling hair



Uncle Charlie

Me and my babies

Grandma got a necklace with each of the grandkids birthstones

She loves it!

Austin helping Emma with her new toy

See Emma this is how it works

Princess Emma

Zack's cool Spider Man belt

Zack's Cool shark towel

Emma in the middle of all the presents

Ben NEW airplane- he was SO EXCITED!

Julia Grace

Austin Loves Julia

The girls and their new purple chairs!

5 of the 8 grandkids

Aunt Christie and Emma

Aunt Christie is funny

PapPaw's new Sweatshirt- bye bye grey hoody


Daddy's girl!

Daddy's girl


Grandma and Pap Paw looking at the Shutterfly book from our beach vacation

Aunt Christie and Austin

Grandma and Zannie

Trying to get a family picture- easier said then done these days

But we tried

We had a great day with the Jenkins' bunch.

We had yummy brunch food.

Exchanged presents and played with cousins.

We headed to the 3:00 Christmas Eve service at out church.

Emma did great in the nursery for her first time.

Austin had a great time playing with his friends in his class.

We ate a fabulous steak dinner at home.

We put the kids to bed and waited for Santa to come.