Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Austin's first Trip to the ZOO

Zannie invited Austin and I to the zoo with Katie and Zach. What a beautiful day. We had so much fun. The Kids were GREAT! Austin LOVES his cousins.
Our 3 monkeys (sorry about the sun)
The 2 little boy cousins- they will be best buddies

Monkey swinging in the tree
Beautiful Katie- our big Kindergartner
Sweet brother and sister
Cute chubby cheek monkey thing..
Austin "Waving"
Laughing--Happy Camper
Austin on the bounce mats- watching the big kids
He was crawling and pulling up everywhere
Austin and Zach on the swings
Hi Mom
They had a Blast
Austin sleeping
Elephant: the enclosure is awesome

Giraffe- Savannah
Austin and the Giraffe
"Little girl"
Austin walking with his walker ALL by himself

Standing and "Santa"

Look I can stand up in my Pack and Play too!!
Hi Mom Look at me!
Austin was mesmerized with Carolls new beard
They said he was Santa in training:)
This was a great way to get Austin used to Santa so he will not cry at the mall.
Thanks to Caroll and Barbara for stopping by the other day.

Dinner PlayDate

Sweet baby Austin
Checking out of all Sam's toys
See and Say with my buddy

Austin climbed on the shelf
Jeff with both boys
Sam the Man
Jeff and Austin
We had a fabulous dinner at J and D house. Thanks for inviting us over. It is so fun that Jeff (Chris' best friend of 23 years) and Chris both have little boys 6 months apart.

Fun Weekend

Playing in the Laundry Basket
So Much Fun
Good Morning Mommy- Look what I CAN DO!!

Austin can stand up in his crib- it is his FAVORITE Activity! He is so proud of himself- it is the sweetest thing ever.

The other day I put him down for afternoon nap- it was quiet- I went in 20 minutes later to check on my SLEEPING baby and he was just STANDING in his crib- he had restarted the mobile and was just a grinin'-- I had to just laugh- needless to say naptime was a no go that day!

Our Silly Boy

This is how Austin likes to drink his juice
Laid back
So BIG!!
He LOVES his pacifier UPSIDE DOWN
We put it in right side up and he turns it:)
Finally enough hair for mohawk
Piggy Face- making mommy laugh

Kitchen Helper and Discovery Center

Crawling while mom cooks.

Happy Boy at Dinner
Beautiful Blue Eyes
Playing at the Discovery Center
Fun Playdate with Owen
We LOVED the Discovery Center