Friday, September 16, 2011

3 Months

Our Sweet Emma Claire is 3 Month

Happy Girl

Trying to laugh

Sticking her tongue out at mama

So Long



What is Emma up to these days?

Weight: 12 lbs

Length: 23 inches

She eats 8 times a day 4oz of breast milk in the bottle

She sleeps 7:30am-9am (she gets up at 2am and 6am)

She wears 3-6 months and size 1 diapers

She LOVES her bounce seat- she talk to the animals

She LOVES her swing and mobile in the crib

She LOVES laying on her changing table, she just coos

She Loves her tummy time mat,

I lay her one way and come back to find her facing the opposite direction

She has to be sitting up and watching Austin

Her hands are her entertainment these days

Her eyes are still blue, they are darker then Austin's

She is a happy unless she is hungry or sleepy

We are so in love with our Emma

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

12 weeks

She LOVES talking to her animals
Sitting in her BUMBO

Talking to Daddy

She LOVES her Daddy

Austin is 21 Months

Austin is 21 months- Wow how time flies

He is truly the sweetest boy.

I am so blessed being his mommy.

His smile will bright your day.

He needed his hat to play I-Pad- so funny

Showing daddy how it works

Showing Emma how to play with her toys

Here Emma the phone is for you

Crazy hair

Side profile

Big shoes to fill

What is Austin up to these days?

weight 30 lbs 4 oz

height 36+inches ??

He wears 2t clothes, size 7 shoes, size 5 diapers

He sleeps 8am-7am and take a 2 hour nap after lunch

He LOVES airplanes, lawn mowers, mops, brooms and big trucks

He LOVES to cook and grill (Cook is the first thing out of his mouth in the mornings)

He LOVES to Swing

He can say Austin Jenkins!!!

He can repeat his ABC's we are working on colors

He LOVES to color- he did accidentally color on the new couch (he got so excited he colored off the page)

He is TALKING up a storm

He is talking in phrases- Mama clean, Mama drives, Daddy work, daddy golf, here you go Mama

He Like watching shows on the DVR- Chugginton, Blues Clues and Wonder Pets are his favorites

He Loves to read books

He will ask you to play, but he is starting to play by himself more

He is starting to build with blocks

Next up is potty training- wish me luck:) We have the potty seat he says "Austin go pee-pee in the potty." And I say "do you want to go pee-pee in the potty" and he says "No."


We went to the Chattanooga Aquarium.

Ready for a busy day

The penguins we awesome


On the MOVE

So sweet

Look at ALL those fishies

He LOVED walking on the ledges

Just chilling

Austin's first ride on the escalator:)


Emma being a good girl


Look at all those trout

Emma just Chilling

Austin following the alligator- so cute

Miss Emma

Austin and Daddy checking out the turtle

HUGE Sea Turtle

Emma wanted to take a closer look.

We had lunch at the City Cafe- Dive Dinner with cookies, pies and cakes the size of your head- YUMO