Sunday, October 9, 2011

Austin is 2 months away from 2!!!

How is it possible that my baby is almost 2!!!

Austin in his "New"Truck

This is a hammy Down from Zack
Daddy helping

He is a little scared to drive, he would rather push it

Cheese face



Trying out his new swim shirt for the BEACH!


Finger painting with Oreos

I LOVE this picture

Riding with Daddy on the lawn mower
He LOVES lawn mowers

Hi Mom

What is Austin up to these days?

Weight 31lbs roughly

37 inches

Wears size 2t pants and shirts, size 7/8 shoes, size 5 diapers

He sleeps 8:00pm- 7:00 am and takes a 2 hour nap after lunch

This month he has gone pee pee and poop in the big boy potty!!

We will officially start potty training after the beach trip next week

He LOVES playing outside

He loves watching Pap Paw fly his airplane

He Loves Blues Clues, Backyardagins, Chugginton, Wonderpets and Elmo

He plays well by himself with cars and airplanes

He LOVES is big dump truck Santa brought him last year- Big Truck

His vocabulary is pretty impressive- everyday he says something new

He knows all of his animals and their sounds, all of his body parts, hot/cold, moon/sun,

Some of his favorite phases are mama drives, mama elbow...other elbow, daddy golfs, call papa, Hi Emma, Gabby's house, Abby's house, Austin swing and football/touchdown

He does not say me do it...he says Austin do it

He really loves drinking out of a big people cup.

This sweet Boy amazes me everyday, I love hanging out with him.

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