Monday, January 10, 2011

Austin is 13 months

What is Austin up to these days?
BIG NEWS: HE IS WALKING!! He took his first steps on Nov 19th, but on Jan. 7th he took off and has not slowed down.
He wears size 4 diapers, 12-18mons or 18-24 mons clothes, size 5 shoes and 2T socks.
He's new word is NO.
His vocabulary includes: Dada, mama, bye bye, hello, hi, duck, ball, shiner (Niner), dog, that, no, nana, night night, papa, pappaw, grandma (gamma), yeah,
Everything is THAT...THAT...THAT
He had his first "Peanut Butter" Sandwich- made with Sunflower seeds- SunButter
He knows where his hair is, he can wiggle his toes, he knows where his ears are and he knows where his nose is (he likes to pick it...Yuck)
He knows that a cow says moo (we are working on duck=quack)
He loves to take off his diaper while we are trying to put the new one own- he loves to pull the tabs.
He makes vroom vroom sounds like a car- ALL BOY!
He is learning to use a spoon- he is doing a great job (a little messy)
He LOVES playing with his dump truck

He amazes me everyday. I LOVE being his MOM!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,
    What a charming blog--especially this post. I found your blog while looking for SunButter recipes. As a SunButter blogger, I love the image of your little guy with his first SunButter sandwich. Looking forward to following your adventures.
