Monday, November 8, 2010

11 Months Down...One to Go

Austin is 11 Months old- Wow where did the time go?

Latest Stats: (taken at home)

Such a BIG BOY




Not a great picture- but you can see his new top tooth:)

Hi Mom

He LOVES his Chuck the Truck

He REALLY wants the camera

Standing up- ready to take off

What is Austin Up to These Days?
He wears size 3 diapers, Size 12-18 month clothes, size 4 shoes
He sleeps from 7:30pm to 6:30am ish..
He has 3 (6oz) bottles of formula
we have started to introduce whole milk
He eats 3 meals a day and sometimes an afternoon snack
He will eat anything- lasagna, scramble eggs, chicken and rice, potato soup, and pudding are a few things he tried this month
He is always in motion and on the GO... he really keeps us on our toes
He LOVES to clear off the end tables
He LOVES to play with anything that is NOT a toy-
we have 500 toys and he like to play with the trash can or the cords
He has two teeth on the bottom and 2 on the top
He says: mama, dada, nana, night night, dog, duck,
He LOVES to share his food with you
If you say bring me the ball, he will bring you the ball
He knows the word NO, but he LIKES to test the waters
He can do a flip- he tucks his head and rolls over (with Chris' help)
He LIKES to put the blocks into the container and then dump them out
He is starting to stand on his own- he will let go for a few seconds but then leans for you
I can not believe in less then one month I will have a 1 year old.
This has been the best year, I have enjoyed watching him reach so many milestones.
He is the happiest, easy going baby!
Stay tune for the BIG BIRTHDAY adventures

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