Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Austin is 3 months!!

It is hard to believe that Baby Austin is 3 months old.

The latest stats: (taken at home, next dr. appt April 11)

Weight- 12 lbs 12 oz
Length- 24
He is long and lean with cute chunky thighs:)

This one looks alot like me as a baby- too bad he is crying:)
Drool Monster

Handsome boy

He loves his Elmo!

Best Buddies

What is Austin up to theses days?

He loves to blow spit bubbles.He loves bathtime, just figured out how to splash.
He loves riding in his stroller, mommy and him walk daily in the neighborhood.
He still loves his playmat (thanks Aunt DeLyn).
He loves his rainforest animal mobile in his crib, he talks to them each morning.
He is wearing 3-6 month clothes, 6-12 month socks (big feet) and size 1 diapers.
His hair is still dark with a few thin spots in the back and the reseeding hairline:)
His eyes are still blue like mama's!!! ( I hope they stay blue)
He loves playing airplane with Daddy.
He loves chewing on his hands and looking at them.
He is starting to drool.
He holds on to mama's shirt, hair and anything in his reach.
He sleeps from 8pm-6am, usually getting up once to nurse (mama loves getting sleep).
He eats 7-8 times a day, roughly 4 oz.
We love watching him smile and laugh (a few times).
Everyday he learns something new.
Mama and Daddy love him some much and thank God each day for our sweet baby boy.

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