Our Sweet Emma Claire is 3 Month
Happy Girl
Trying to laugh
Sticking her tongue out at mama
So Long
What is Emma up to these days?
Weight: 12 lbs
Length: 23 inches
She eats 8 times a day 4oz of breast milk in the bottle
She sleeps 7:30am-9am (she gets up at 2am and 6am)
She wears 3-6 months and size 1 diapers
She LOVES her bounce seat- she talk to the animals
She LOVES her swing and mobile in the crib
She LOVES laying on her changing table, she just coos
She Loves her tummy time mat,
I lay her one way and come back to find her facing the opposite direction
She has to be sitting up and watching Austin
Her hands are her entertainment these days
Her eyes are still blue, they are darker then Austin's
She is a happy unless she is hungry or sleepy
We are so in love with our Emma