What is Austin up to these days?
weight: 26 lbs 11.5 oz (80%)
height:32 1/2 inches (90%)
Austin is wearing size 4 diapers, size 6 shoes, size 18-24 months clothes and 2T shirts
He has 6 top teeth and only 2 bottom but they are at the surface ready to pop through
He loves to climb the stairs, he is learning how to go down them
He knows what a sheep, donkey, monkey, cat, dog, chicken, and horse says
He says NO when he does not want something
He says Good Girl Niner (Shiner)
Shhh Niner (shiner)
ma- is me
He says boo- to scare us:)
He loves too read books
He loves to play outside- thank goodness for pretty spring weather
He loves Backyardagains
He Loves looking at pictures and is starting to say momma, dadda when he sees us in a picture
He spent the night away for the first time last month at Aunt Zannies
He is transitioning into one nap a day
He LOVES his nursery class at church
He is a happy boy BUT we are starting to see some toddler personality come out- battle of the wills
He does not want to be strapped in the high chair, shopping cart or stroller, he loves to play with the buckles
He wants whatever we are drinking or eating
He is eating great with a spoon and fork
Each day is filled with new adventures- it is so fun watching him grow into a little boy- I am truly blessed
Sorry there are no pictures- I will take some and post them SOON!